Top 10 Innovations Inspired by Nature

9. Galapagos Shark and Protective Coating for Hospitals

When you think about sharks and hospitals, you probably think of someone going to the hospital after being bitten by a shark. But sharks have helped scientists take a bite out of bacteria in hospitals.

The Galapagos shark is very slow moving but barnacles don’t build up on its skin and bacteria don’t stick to it either. Its skin is made up of denticles, small tooth or bristle like protrude rinses; you may know these if you paid attention to design of speedo suits Olympic athletes war at the last summer Olympics. The denticles are actually helped move faster through the water, however the ones on the Galapagos shark arranged in the particular pattern that keep bacteria from landing and adhering. A company called Sharklet keeps hospitals safer and more sanitary by putting this pattern on surfaces in hospitals to keep bacteria off. A welcome alternative to antibacterial cleanses that tend to encourage antibiotic resistant bacteria.